A Stop for Readers

13 Jan 2016

My Games List (Part 1)

Sorry for the late update... I was kinda busy travelling for this week so i have to delay most of my plans.
So, without further due, this post i will share about the game collection i have and most probably i have to do a part 2 for this because not because i am lazy but i simply have to many game collection to display ( i am not joking,  have like at least 15 games i currently have and not only the games i pre-owned yet.

1. Dota 2

This game nowadays is widely played by teenagers all around the world and it even has its own large-scale tournaments and one of the largest price pool e-sport up to date ( with a whooping 18Million USD in the 2015 ).
As you can see, i play alot of dota 2. i have spent 817 hours in this game and i gotta say, there are times where its fun and times when it is not. I also used to play with a team call "Slammy Gaming". So, i can say that i am quite good in this game ( la sangat~)

2. Minecraft

Yes, you heard me right.. i did bought minecraft which cost USD26.95 ( roughly around rm120). This game is by far the most addictive game because of its huge landscape. This game is best describe as playing lego without the instruction. i would say the possibility is endless.. 

In this game i built a nice little cozy house, some wheat, pumpkin farm, and many more. 

3. Skyrim

I would say this is one of the most adventurest game i've ever played. The quest is endless, ranging from looking for items to fighting monsters at secret dungeon and even to relay messages from town to town. I haven't bought all the DLC yet but i am planning to.. If you have the feeling for a little adventure, try this game.. its currently on sale now with its DLC for only a few ringgits.

1 Jan 2016


Siapa yang tahu bila hati mulai bicara
kerana aku juga tidak mengerti
Siapa yang tahu bila kalbu berbisik rindu
Kerana aku juga keliru untuk mentafsir makna
Tiada siapa yang tahu melainkan Dia.

Beranikah kamu untuk belayar dalam amukan jiwa
untuk berlabuh di perairan penipuan
untuk berenang dalam lautan resah
untuk menyelam dalam peritnya kerinduan
tiada siapa yang akan pergi melainkan Dia.
tiada siapa yang mampu menyelamatkan mu melainkan Dia.

Begitulah sekilas perasaan yang ku rasa
keliru dalam jauhnya perjalanan hidup
yang kerap kali tersungkur 
yang kerap kali terluka
kerap kali tercalar akibat duri yang tidak kelihatan
tetapi cinta yang tulus itu  sering menyelamatkan

Sungguh dalam gelap hati ku
terpancar pelita keimanan
sedar akan kesalahan 
namun sebalik itu hati kerap memberontak 
untuk hidup bebas dari penjara diri
kerana mereka aku membina benteng 
menghijapkan diri yang sebenar
hipokrit itulah yang dunia katakan
